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Allocation Guidelines for Spots in the Daycare Centres
run by Familienservice gGmbH
at the AlbertLudwigs-Universität Freiburg

The aim of the Familienservice gGmbH is to create family-friendly framework conditions enabling the reconciliation of work and family life at the University of Freiburg, at other universities in Freiburg, at the University Medical Center and at other scientific institutions in Freiburg. Accordingly, the daycare centres run by Familienservice gGmbH open their doors to children with at least one parent who is either working or studying at the University of Freiburg or at another further education institution or at the University Medical Center Freiburg or at a scientific institution in Freiburg.

The spots are assigned according to the following criteria

  1. Should demand exceed the supply of spots available, the children of employees of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität will be given priority treatment for spots. Employees of the scientific and non-scientific services are thereby treated equally unless otherwise stipulated by the claiming of grant funding. Doctoral students and employees are treated equally.
  2. At least 70% of spots made available to the employees of the Albert-Ludwigs University are allocated according to the following criteria:
    • The requirement for attending a daycare centre is the employment of both parents or the single parent. Should the parent not employed at the university be enrolled in an educational programme, this is considered the same as employment. The volume of employment of both parents or the single parent is taken into account as the most important criterion for allocation.
    • Provided that the aforementioned requirement is still met at the time of acceptance of a child with siblings, these siblings are given priority consideration in the event of equal need. Siblings in this case are siblings who attend a university daycare centre at the same time.
    • Children of single parents are given priority consideration in the event of equal need.
    • Spot allocation may deviate from the system described for educational or social reasons.
  3. A contingent of up to 30% of the daycare spots is allocated to DFG-research associations and excellence institutions belonging to the university as reserved spots, in order to support the equality and talent promotion measures pursued in these areas. In exchange, the institution using the spot assumes responsibility for the co-payment necessary according to the Freiburg Grant Guidelines for covering operational costs.
  4. In addition, Familienservice gGmbH reserves the right, in individual cases, to allocate a daycare spot within the context of professorial appointment proceedings, staffing or hardship applications.
  5. If daycare spots are not claimed by employees of the University of Freiburg, they may be assigned to employees of other universities, the University Medical Centre or a research institution in exchange for the assumption of the co-payment necessary to cover operational costs, or may be given to students. If daycare spots are not claimed by the groups of people mentioned, they may be allocated to other parents in Freiburg.
  6. If a parent is no longer employed at one of the institutions mentioned above, the care agreement will be terminated following a reasonable transition period by taking into account the circumstances of the individual case.
  7. In borderline cases, the advisory council of the Familienservice gGmbH will be consulted before a decision is taken to allocate a day-care place or terminate a childcare agreement.


Effective: March 2017

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