Uni Daycare centre Murmelgarten
Daycare Services
In the uni daycare centre Uni-Kita Murmelgarten, children between 1 and 3 years of age are cared for. The supervision of a child under one year of age is possible in exceptional cases and after individual consultation. If you are interested in this option, please contact the daycare director.
The daycare has 30 full-day spots and 10 morning spots with extended opening hours.
Daycare times are:
For full day care: Monday to Friday 8:00-18:00
For morning care with extended opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-14:30
The daycare is closed on a total of 29 days of the year (for Easter or Whit holiday, during the summer and for Christmas).
Drop-off and Pick-up Times
Drop-off time: 7:30 to 9:00
Children can’t be dropped off during breakfast time from 9:00 to 9:30.
Drop-off after 9:30: upon individual agreement
Pick-up time: upon individual agreement
Rooms and Garden
The Uni-Kita Murmelgarten is located in a nice, modernised old building with a large garden. It was opened and completely refurnished in 2013. Our rooms are distributed among two floors. Each of our four groups has its own group, sleeping and changing room. There is an individually designed second level in each group room. All materials in the group rooms are freely accessible to the children. Group mealtimes and drawing/crafts activities are offered at the group tables. Group and sleeping rooms offer opportunities for spending a quiet time, such as cuddling corners, dens and mattresses. In the changing room, washbasins and mirrors invite children to splash around and experiment.
In our Kita, the hall and garden are used as movement and meeting opportunities for children from all groups. Both areas have appropriate play materials with different options for use. Since our facilities are spread across two floors, we use the many steps to practice safety on the stairs.
Our garden is generously designed and offers various opportunities for playing. We have a sandbox, a slide, a hut, a tree trunk for climbing, flower beds and plants and a tall sequoia.
Educational Principles
You can find the principles of the educational work in all uni daycare centres here.
You can also find extensive information on the Uni-Kita Murmelgarten in the Educational Concept.
Spot Assignment
The spots in our Uni-Kitas are primarily allocated to children of employees and doctoral students of the university of Freiburg. Students and other interested parents can be considered secondarily.
You will find the detailed Allocation Guidelines issued by the university here.
You can find an overview of the monthly parental contributions at the uni daycare centres here.
To register your child in the Uni-Kita Murmelgarten, please complete the following two steps:
1. In order to enroll your child in any Kita in Freiburg you need to follow the central registration procedure by the city of Freiburg. This applies also to the Kitas of the university. The following website by the Office for children, youth and families of the Freiburg city administration will guide you through the registration procedure (German only). On this website, you can access the registration form (German only) on which you can specify up to three daycare centers. Please enter the Uni-Kita Murmelgarten as one of your desired daycare centers. By sending the form, the director of the Uni-Kita Murmelgarten will be notified automatically.
The websites of the city of Freiburg as well as the form for the central registration are in German only. If this is inconvenient for you, we offer you the registration form in English.
2. In addition to registering your child through the city’s central registration system, your employment status with the Universität Freiburg is needed in order to allocate the daycare spots. As soon as the director of the Uni-Kita Murmelgarten receives the registration notification by the city, she will send you an email with the link to a form on your employment relationship with the Universität Freiburg.
Please note that we can only consider enrollment applications for which you completed the city registration and sent the form on your employment status.
Most of the free spots are allocated at the beginning of a new kindergarten year in September. In order to get a spot at this point, you need to be registered in the central registration system of the city of Freiburg by the end of February of the same year. If you need to start childcare at a time other than September, you also have to register with the central system and you should do so as soon as possible. In this case please be prepared for a longer waiting period, since there are only a few spots left to be awarded after September.
Uni-Kita Murmelgarten Daycare director: Ms. Helena-Maria Pabst |