
Die Universität Freiburg ist Mitglied in:


 Erfolgsfaktor Familie

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Paritaet BW

Sie sind hier: Startseite Childcare Association of Child Minders (Tagesmütterverein Freiburg)

Association of Child Minders (Tagesmütterverein Freiburg)

The Association of Child Minders (Tagesmütter-Verein), Freiburg is an alternative to a Kita. Parents with children under the age of three years can choose whether they want to have their child cared for by a Tagesmutter instead of in a Kita. A Tagesmutter watches up to five children in her own home. If you are interested in this sort of childcare, please contact the Tagesmütter-Verein of Freiburg.


 tagesmütter verein logo

Fachberatung Kindertagespflege
TagesmütterVerein Freiburg e.V. 
Adelhauser Straße 8 
79098 Freiburg

Phone: 0761 283535 
Fax: 0761 2922570


You can find additional information on the website of the Tagesmütter-Verein.

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