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 Erfolgsfaktor Familie

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A new stage in life

For the child, entering the daycare center marks the beginning of a new phase in life, which represents a great challenge. It has to get to know a new environment, build relationships with strangers and get used to being with the other children. Often the child has its first experience of regular separation from its parents when it attends the daycare center. This is not easy for the child or the parents.

Our acclimatization Conceptkind kita

In order to make the acclimatization process gentle and successful, we offer the families a binding, education-oriented acclimatization concept, which is based on the concept of the Institute for Applied Socialization Research / Early Childhood e.V. (Infans):

  • At the beginning, we have a conversation with the parents and inform them about all steps of the acclimatization process.
  • In the first days of the daycare center, one parent accompanies the child and spends about an hour with him or her in the group. While the mother or father is rather passively present, we slowly build up a relationship with the child. The mere presence of the parent in the room is enough to create a "safe haven" for the child to return to again and again. In this way, the child feels secure and can relax and get to know the new play opportunities, rooms and people.
  • In the following days, we take over the care of the child step by step. The parents gradually withdraw, but remain close by and can be called if necessary. The time the child spends without parents in the group room is increased from a few minutes to 2 to 3 hours.
  • After a few weeks, the child can usually stay alone in the daycare for a few hours and parent presence is no longer necessary. However, parents should be able to be at the daycare immediately if called upon.
  • The settling-in period is generally completed when the caregiver can comfort and calm the child and the child has found its rhythm in our daily routine. After the child has successfully settled in, a final meeting with the parents takes place.


Settling-in period

Depending on the behavior of the individual child and the desired length of stay at the daycare center, an acclimatization period of at least 3 weeks up to several months must be expected. It is important that the parents allow sufficient time for the settling-in period.


An acclimatization period tailored to the child

For each new child, for his or her parents, for the group and for our professionals, the acclimatization period is an intensive time. However, by experiencing an individualized acclimatization with us that is geared to their needs, the children will feel safe and secure, they will develop joy in playing and learning, and they will find courage and strength to cope with difficult life situations.


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